Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So, woot, I guess I'm officially a freshman now. Last day of school today. It felt like any other day, even though we pretty much just hung out the entire time. We actually had classes for some reason. But it was kinda nice. Haha, I completely cut class and slipped LA :)
It really wasn't as emotional as I thought it'd be, though. I was more upset last night, and even then I wasn't, like, bawling. I wasn't even tearing up...but whatever. I'm pleased to announce that I got all As on my finaly grade, except for math (which was a B+)! Yeah, but...I dunno, I'm never going to be in that universe again. Ever. It's weird. But I'm going to high school now, and I CAN'T WAIT to go back-to-school shopping!

Oh, and Vera gave me a gift. Yes, that Vera. You see, I'm okay with some friendly conversation every once in a while. I'll be nice. I hold nothing against her. I've forgiven her. But I don't want to be her friend again. I just don't. I've given her a chance and she failed it miserably.
I also lost part of the gift on the bus X( And that makes me feel pretty shitty, indeed. It was the card and a $15 iTunes gift card, which bites balls.


  1. Yay for graduating! Welcome to the world of high school, haha :D Oh, and awesome job on the grades, too! That stinks majorly that you lost the gift though ):

  2. Jeez, you're my sister's age XD

    "I've forgiven her. But I don't want to be her friend again. I just don't. I've given her a chance and she failed it miserably."

    Funny thing, when I said this, people chewed me out for being selfish, but I know this feeling, so you go girl!

    Word Verification: "guess"
