Monday, November 2, 2009

You shoulda loved me for my inner.

[Face Drop--Sean Kingston]
Things I Need to Survive
  1. Mountain Dew. I'm am ADDICTED to this stuff. It is yellowy-green WONDER.
  2. Barnes and Noble. How else am I supposed to get my reading fix? Plus they have strawberry lemonade in the summer! Yum!
  3. Friends. This should be obvious, but I figured I'd include it anyway.
  4. Hot Pockets. I'd starve to death if not for these pockets of deliciousness.
  5. The Internet. I can't even begin to describe how addicted I am to this poison.
  6. Paper. Specifically: blank paper. I think I've gone over this?
  7. Weekends. It's called not going insane.
That's all I can think of for now. Heh, yes, you all care.
My plan: go to Princeton, get a degree in English Literature and Psychology, publish my fifth book, visit Paris, move to Vermont and have a dream wedding with *coughBasilcough* the "love of my life", get a dog, and live Happily Ever After.
You know what? My life goal is to find absolution. Is that weird?
Mmkay, I'll stop now.

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