Friday, April 16, 2010

No, it really isn't.

I mean my name. It's actually Millicent Rebecca Cucumber.
So, remember that project I had to do in LA? The scrapbook about an oppressed people? I finished in about three hours last night, and it probably turned out better than, like, 95% of the LC's. I did Japanese Americans right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor so, naturally, the color theme was red-and-white. I wish I had more time to edit it, honestly...but overall, it's pretty awesome!
In case you were wondering, friends, that (^) is how you waste a paragraph.
You know, I actually wouldn't mind if my name was Millicent Rebecca Cucumber.
IT'S TOTALLY FRIDAY! Yes, I am writing this in the morning before school. I felt bad about neglecting you guys for so long and knew I'd just forget in the afternoon, so......I really have nothing to talk about, except that. Last day of Spirit Week. The dance is tonight, but I really have no desire to go. Fushaw. Yesthatisaword.
Except for the whole 'Millicent' part. Euch.
I haven't written in days. I'm just not feeling it, ya know? Plus, I'm already itching to get away from the story, to start something new. I have the attention span of a squirrel.
Now I'm off to go cheer for navy.....

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