- Learn how to swim.
- Jog/run at Penny Packer.
- Ride bike at Penny Packer.
Maybe I have a skewed view of my own weight. Listen, I know I'm not fat. I'm just over 118. That can't be bad. But I'm not the skinniest person ever, either. I'm not going to starve myself, obviously. I don't have the willpower for that. I just wish I could get off my lazy...butt and make an effort.
[Given Up--Linkin Park]
^-- That's a pretty good song for how I feel most of the time.
Now for community service! This would be a little easier than dropping a couple pounds, actually. I just wouldn't know where to begin.
Let's see. I like animals. I could volunteer at an animal shelter. But my parents aren't home a lot; they couldn't exactly drive me. Hmm...that puts a damper on everything, actually. Damn.
Anyway. I could...join a comittee to clean up public places, like parks? I think that's a club at school. I could join that to appease the guilt I feel whenever I see people with 70 hours of community service! Haha, I still like the shelter idea, though. I still wish I could go to Aunt Michelle's for a bit and help out at her clinic, even though I don't want to be a vet anymore.
[New Divide--Linkin Park]
So, for community service, I will join the environmental club! :D Oh, I feel so guilt-free...
For my third and hardest goal: get a job. Obviously, since I'm twelve, I don't mean working at Wendy's, just another source of income. Like babysitting, though I don't know anyone to babysit, and I'm not exactly qualified. I dunno. I'm not particularly good at anything, like Lolo (she helps out with birthday parties at her rock climbing place). Hmm. Diiiiiiiffffffffiiiiiiicuuuuuuultiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies.
[Pts. of Athrty--Linkin Park]
I drew a really weird picture but I can't get it online...stupid chord is missing...ugh.
Mudball has been lying on the same spot on the desk for days. Ugh. She's a weird cat.
NO, SHE'S NOT DEAD. God. I knew you'd think that. She only leaves to eat and be pet. Whenever I try to move her she goes back...*pets Mudball*
That's weird.
bring mudball to the vet. and you can do the rock climbing stuff to. you don't actully need to climb.