Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me? I'm just a pretty little girl.

I just can't wait for school to start.
[Skyway Avenue--We the Kings]
Here's how I imagine the first day: I'm so nervous in the morning I can't eat breakfast. I'm shaking on the bus (probably late, but let's say it's not) and I can barely walk off. When I get to school, I'll be hyperventilating till I see one of my friends, and then I'll scream and run over and hug them, prompting several stares. I'll then try to find a teacher because, since I don't have the password for ProgessBook, I'm the only person in the school who doesn't know their password. Sometime during all that, I'll secretly scan the parking lot for Basil, and when I see him I'll grab my nearest friend and whisper "ohmegawd there he is!!!" and all those darn unwanted feelings will come rushing back.
Then advisory.
[Shut Up and Let Me Go--The Ting Tings]
I don't know whose advisory I'll be in, but chances are one or two of my friends will be in it with me (if they're not I'm screwed). Hopefully the teacher will let us sit wherever we want, and I will of course glue myself to them for the rest of the day.
If Basil is in my advisory, I'm also screwed.
If he is, he will probably make a point to ignore me, or just ignore me anyway. I will feel compelled to act cool and take/giggle loudly and make witty remarks to my friends at every chance I get.
Then the teacher will do some getting-to-know-you crap, even though we already all know each other (all the French kids stay together). The first activity will involve the entire class, and probably a ball, and in the second we will be expected to pair up with someone we don't know well to...well...get to know each other. It's already agreed, of course, that we will not become friends nor will our cliques ever touch. If you're lucky, you can partner up with your friends and the teacher won't notice.
We might even watch a movie.
Eventually we'll get around to practicing our schedule (which, remember, I don't know) and talk about 'what a great year we're going to have' and responsibilty and new beginnings. AKA snoreville.
Here's how I see it; my year will suck if:
  1. One or more of my friends are not in all my classes.
  2. Basil is once more in all my classes (I'm good with two).
  3. My advisory teacher is that horrid humanities teacher.
  4. I get into a fight with someone on the first day back.
  5. I have to talk to a guy for whatever reason.
  6. I have to talk to Basil for whatever reason, and he obviously still loathes me.
  7. Someone I don't like talks to me.
  8. I'm in all the same classes as Ringo and *unmentionable*.
  9. The teachers choose favorites and I am not one of them.
  10. Similarly, the teachers decide they hate me.
  11. I forget something important, like pants.
  12. Someone says my clothes are ugly.
  13. A guy compliments me in any way (spaz attack; I will be forever wary of him and probably act like a dunce around him).
  14. I'm blamed for doing something bad, like pulling the fire alarm.
  15. A teacher, for whatever reason, humiliates me in front of the class (intentional or unintentional).
  16. Someone points out my...*cough* acne.
  17. I hear Basil whispering.
  18. I see someone sending furtive glances in my direction.
  19. The bus is late.
  20. I don't claim a seat in back.
  21. My hair decides to suck.
  22. I die.

See, the possibilities for suckitude are endless.


  1. You're starting high school this year? Oooh, fun. *grins*

    Interesting how you've played that all out in your mind in regards to your first day. When do you start? Next week?

    It won't all suck, I promise, even IF you have all 20 things come true. That is life, my friend.

  2. i am nervous for high school too. I have to make sure that i meet my friends, know where my classes are, and know where to meet my friends and where to eat lunch. I hope i get good teachers, and classes, and classmates, figure out what class i will have instead of pe because i have volleyball at night, i am very nervous. i would be if it were the same school, but now i have to worry about getting lost.
